- Monday - Friday, 10 am - 3 pm
- closed State Holidays

- Regular exhibitions
- veterans oral history project

- ADA accessible

- Free general admission
National Guard Militia Museum

Sea Girt Ave and Camp Drive, Sea Girt, NJ 08750

The National Guard Militia Museum tells the story of the New Jersey Militia and National Guard beginning with Dutch, Swedish and British colonization through the War for Independence to the Civil War, World, Wars I and II and up to the present day, paying particular attention to the diversity of the New Jersey citizen soldier and his or her experience. Notably, the museum has the largest collection of New Jersey related Civil War research material in the country, including copies of diaries, letters, newspaper clippings, memoirs, regimental histories and articles.
The museum is also home to the Center for U.S. War Veterans Oral Histories, a partner of the Library of Congress Veteran History Project. The Center’s mission is to collect and preserve recorded memories of veterans through professional oral history interviews. Each veteran receives a DVD copy. Another DVD is shipped to the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. To sign up, or to read some of the veteran interview summaries, go to: https://njmilitiamuseum.org/oralhistory (or click the second link, above).
- View the outdoor military vehicle and aircraft collection
- See the only Civil War cannon mounted on a carriage on display in New Jersey
- See a Civil War era submarine
- Tour a 19th & 20th century small arms collection
Journey through Jersey strives to have the most up-to-date information, but always check with the site itself before planning a visit.