Morristown National Historical Park (MNHP) turns 90 years old this year! To celebrate this momentous anniversary, the park kicked off its yearlong celebration with an opening ceremony on Saturday, March 4. The event featured an address by Morristown National Historical Park’s Chief of Cultural Resources, a ribbon cutting, and the very pen that President Hoover used to sign the Park’s enabling legislation in March of 1933!
Morristown National Historical Park was the nation’s first National Historical Park. It encompasses over 2.5 square miles of land including four nationally significant sites with ties to the American Revolutionary War. The purpose of the park is to “preserve, protect, and interpret the landscapes, structures, and other property of the military encampments of Revolutionary War interest in Morristown, New Jersey, and the vicinity...”
To fulfill its mission while celebrating this significant anniversary, the Morristown NHP packed its calendar with events for the whole family! So, if you missed the kick-off event, do not fret! The next scheduled event is April 22 and 23. According to the park, “Jockey Hollow will come to life when re-enactors from across the northeast arrive for the park’s Spring encampment.” In 2022, the spring encampment included cooking demonstrations, firing drills and demonstrations, as well as tours of the reconstructed huts with encampment soldiers. If you ever wondered what it would have been like to live in a military encampment during the eighteenth century, this April event will be quite eye-opening!
Can’t make the event in April? June and July are also filled with numerous events featuring authors, artists, and professors from across the state. Ever wondering what it was like to be an American First Lady? Critically acclaimed actress and playwright Elaine Bromka has an event on June 11 for you! Want to learn about what lies below the surface at MNHP? Archaeologist and professor Dr. Richard Veit will host a talk about the fascinating things him and his team have uncovered at the park. An American Historical Theatre actress will also portray the poems of enslaved African American, Phillis Wheatly, on July 16, and the Baroque Orchestra of NJ will perform a show tentatively inspired by Jockey Hollow at the park’s museum on July 23. Art and history come to life during the park’s 90th anniversary celebration events!
After the events, take a hike or ride a bike on one (or several) of the park’s trails while listening to a podcast! Morristown National Historical Park has fun for the whole family all year long and extra fun in 2023!
Take a look at the calendar of events for more information about upcoming events!
*Morristown NHP’s first tour guides were women: Miss Mary Scott and Miss Minnie Hotchkiss! Both women were employees of the Washington Association (stewards of the Ford Mansion) prior to the federal government acquisition of the property. Mary Scott worked at the Ford Mansion from 1927 to 1949 and Minnie C. Hotchkiss worked at the mansion from 1915 until 1953.
Want to learn more about the history of Morristown National Historical Park? Check out these resources:
Morristown National Historical Park, Journey Through Jersey
Morristown National Historical Park, National Park Service
Morristown National Historical Park. Morris County Tourism Bureau
Morristown National Historical Park, Visit New Jersey
Foundation Document Overview: Morristown National Historical Park, National Park Service
Connect with the Morristown NHP on social media!
Morristown National Historical Park, Facebook
Morristown National Historical Park, Instagram